Dr. Marco Massarelli

Dr. Marco Massarelli



Dr. Marco Massarelli, MD, is a very well known and valued Specialist in Plastic Surgery. He worked in Brazil, Italy, United Kingdom, Albania and actually in Dubai.

He was trained in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where he completed the Residency in Plastic Surgery, focused above all in Cosmetic Surgery, in the “Clinica Fluminense de Cirurgìa Plàstica” under the supervision of the best Brazilian Plastic Surgeons, ending in 1990, when he started to work as Cosmetic Surgeon, dedicating himself to perform and develop different types of techniques in every field of Cosmetic Surgery.

Dr. Marco has accumulated great experience working in different parts of the world for more than 32 years. In his vision of Cosmetic Surgery he believe that the best approach to this Surgery is to use techniques very well tested in the time able to provide patients with a remarkable reliability together with aesthetic results of excellent quality, that last over time and with charateristics of absolute naturalness.

Moreover he believes that an absolutely fundamental aspect of this Surgery is to create and maintain an excellent relationship with patients. For this reason he provides them in the visit with every explanation regarding the most suitable technique for their case and gives them every time the best of his professional skills in the Operating Theatre and all the assistance they need in the postoperative period.

Dr. Marco every day devotes part of his time to deepen new techniques in Cosmetic Surgery to be constantly updated on the developments offered by the Medical International Literature on this field with increasingly modern and effective techniques in meeting the wishes of patients.

He speaks fluent Italian, English, Portuguese and understand well Spanish.

